Monday, November 29, 2010

TOP Search Engine Optimization Tips

1. Set the best keywords
One of the most important point to optimize your search engine always set best keywords for your content. The keywords you set for your sites must be very closely related to the topics as well as unique content (different from other contents).

2. Translating your website into other languages
If you are promoting your website in only English, web-surfers you are missing out on a potential 64.00% extra traffic. This is because 64.00% of people surf and search on internet in a language other than English. Alone Google spiders understands 35 different languages, and have plans to add more language.

3. Discover Your Competitors
Search engines always analyze incoming links to your website as part of ranking criteria. So this is most important to know how many incoming links your competitors have these incoming links will give you a fantastic edge. Of course, you still have to discover your competitors.

My tool of choice is SEO Elite, which digs through the major search engines by keyword to not only tell you who your competitors are, but also provides you with an in-depth analysis of each competitor.
The analysis includes these extremely important linking criteria (super SEO tips), such as:
• Competitor rank in the Search Engines
• Number of incoming links
• What keywords are in the title of linking page
• % of links containing keywords in the link text
• The PageRank of linking pages
• The Alexa traffic ranking information

4. Optimize Your Title META tags
The Title and META tags should be different on every page of your website if you wish for most search engines to store and list them in the search results.
META tag is the text that will be displayed under your title on the results page. META tags are hidden code read only by search engine WebCrawler’s (also called spiders). They live within the HEAD section of a web page. There are actually 3 very important META tags you need to worry about: Title, description and keywords. Meta tags summarize what the site is about, and despite some SEO controversy, they still play an instrumental role in meta-based search engines. The META tags you need to be the most concerned about are:
• Title
• Description
• keywords

5. Create internal linking structure
It is very important to create internal linking within your site. This enables the end-users to navigate your site that is well thought out by you. Not only that people can find all of your content and products, but also so search engines can.

6. Use headings, title and ALT attributes
Headings play an important role in organizing information, so be sure to include at least H1-H3 when assembling your page. Specifying Title Attribute is a direct way of telling the search engines about the relevance of the link. It's also a W3C standard for making your page accessible to disabled people. In other words, blind folks can navigate through your website using a special browser that reads Title and ALT attributes.

The syntax is:
The UniversityThe Town

The ALT Attribute is used similarly as Title Attribute, but is specifically for describing an image to the search engine.

7. Set keywords for images and media
Whenever possible, you should save your images, media, and web pages with the keywords in the file names. Many SEO's have experienced improvement in ranking by renaming images and media.

8. Include a robots.txt file
The easiest SEO tip to search engine optimization is include a robots.txt file at the root of your website. Open up a text editor, such as Notepad and type "User-agent: *". Then save the file as robots.txt and upload it to your root directory on your domain. This one command will tell any spider that hits your website to "please feel free to crawl every page of my website".

9. Install a sitemap.xml for Google
You may feel like it is impossible to get listed high in Google's search engine result page, believe it or not that isn't Google's intention. They simply want to insure that their viewers get the most relevant results possible. In fact, they've even created a program just for webmasters to help insure that your pages get cached in their index as quickly as possible. They call the program Google Sitemaps. In this tool, you'll also find a great new linking tool to help discover who is linking to your website.

10. ROR Sitemaps
If your website is selling products, ROR sitemaps are ideal as you can offer up a lot more information about your products. A ROR file enables you to document your product names, descriptions, prices, images, availability and any other relevant information.
SEO RIDERS Web Developer

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